54 research outputs found

    Conservation process model (cpm). A twofold scientific research scope in the information modelling for cultural heritage

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    The aim of the present research is to develop an instrument able to adequately support the conservation process by means of a twofold approach, based on both BIM environment and ontology formalisation. Although BIM has been successfully experimented within AEC (Architecture Engineering Construction) field, it has showed many drawbacks for architectural heritage. To cope with unicity and more generally complexity of ancient buildings, applications so far developed have shown to poorly adapt BIM to conservation design with unsatisfactory results (Dore, Murphy 2013; Carrara 2014). In order to combine achievements reached within AEC through BIM environment (design control and management) with an appropriate, semantically enriched and flexible The presented model has at its core a knowledge base developed through information ontologies and oriented around the formalization and computability of all the knowledge necessary for the full comprehension of the object of architectural heritage an its conservation. Such a knowledge representation is worked out upon conceptual categories defined above all within architectural criticism and conservation scope. The present paper aims at further extending the scope of conceptual modelling within cultural heritage conservation already formalized by the model. A special focus is directed on decay analysis and surfaces conservation project

    BIM semantic-enrichment for built heritage representation

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    In the built heritage context, BIM has shown difficulties in representing and managing the large and complex knowledge related to non-geometrical aspects of the heritage. Within this scope, this paper focuses on a domain-specific semantic-enrichment of BIM methodology, aimed at fulfilling semantic representation requirements of built heritage through Semantic Web technologies. To develop this semantic-enriched BIM approach, this research relies on the integration of a BIM environment with a knowledge base created through information ontologies. The result is knowledge base system - and a prototypal platform - that enhances semantic representation capabilities of BIM application to architectural heritage processes. It solves the issue of knowledge formalization in cultural heritage informative models, favouring a deeper comprehension and interpretation of all the building aspects. Its open structure allows future research to customize, scale and adapt the knowledge base different typologies of artefacts and heritage activities

    Strumenti online per la ricerca storica: l’aggiornamento della didattica per la conoscenza e il restauro dell’architettura

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    In the last fifty years, within architectural conservation, as in many other disciplines, the great improvement of technology for information and communication has deeply enhanced the development of knowledge organisation systems. As an example, interesting improvements have concerned cultural heritage territorial census, as well as state of conservation surveying and studying, previous interventions documentation or design management and implementation, together with scheduled maintenance activities. As a matter of facts, within this scenario, issues mostly referred to architectural comprehension, are actually deeply anchored to ‘traditional’ instruments. Among these, a particular role is played by historical research that is nevertheless upgrading, since the second half of the 20th century, traditional sites for bibliographic and archival studies with online resources. As a result, nowadays, teaching aimed at architectural historical research, cannot disregard online resources, either to educate to an effective and adequate information retrieval or to orient studies and analysis finalized to the understanding of the constructive phases of a building, to support its conservation design. The present paper aims at discussing how teaching may further develop online research, to cope with historical architectural studies, warning, in the meanwhile, on possible risks outcoming from an excessive and, sometimes, equivocal trust placed in the Internet.Come in altri contesti disciplinari, anche nel restauro, nell’ultimo cinquantennio si è assistito a un significativo avanzamento della tecnologia orientata allo sviluppo di sistemi informatici: per il censimento sul territorio dei beni culturali, per le attività di rilievo e studio dello stato di conservazione, per la documentazione di interventi pregressi, e ancora per la gestione del progetto, della relativa realizzazione e attività di manutenzione programmata.Rispetto a questo scenario, gli aspetti più strettamente legati alla comprensione dell’architettura (storico-critici e materici) risultano, per loro natura, profondamente ancorati a strumenti ‘tradizionali’. Fra questi si distingue la ricerca storica che già a partire dagli ultimi anni del Novecento ha affiancato, ai luoghi tradizionali per lo studio bibliografico e archivistico, la consultazione delle risorse on line.La didattica finalizzata alla ricerca storica di un’architettura oggi, necessariamente, non può fare a meno degli strumenti on line, sia per insegnare a interrogare le risorse digitali in modo corretto, sia per orientare le modalità di indagine e il vaglio delle informazioni delle fasi costruttive di una fabbrica, in vista del suo restauro.Il contributo intende ragionare sulle modalità di insegnamento più opportune in grado di trasferire le potenzialità di una ricerca storica svolta anche ‘in rete’, oltre che i possibili rischi derivanti da un’eccessiva ed equivoca fiducia in Internet.

    Vocabulary alignment for sharing architectural conservation data

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    In the domain of heritage conservation much of the decision making relies on assessing risk and planning in advance. This is particularly important for built heritage where environmental conditions cannot be controlled easily and a broader range of risks must be taken into account. Risk assessment requires detailed surveys of built heritage which produce a wealth of data around the vulnerability of a building using domain expert terminology. It also requires information about environmental condition and the dangerousness of the area that the building is situated. Integrating this data within systems is essential. Further sharing this data with external audiences such as emergency services is also important. In this paper we consider guidelines developed for the Linked Conservation Data project in relation to a risk assessment system: Risk Map of the Italian Ministry of Culture. The guidelines explain how terminology data can be integrated so ensure a common language across systems or system components. We focus on terminology alignment with the Getty Arts & Architecture Thesaurus and we explore specific terms from the built heritage domain and the challenges posed by their use in different contexts

    Transformation of Tools and Conservation of Architecture : Some Researches on the Use of Digital Systems for the Intervention on the Historical Buildings = Az építészet megőrzésének és eszközeinek átalakulása : Digitális rendszerek használata történeti épületeken végzett műemléki beavatkozások esetén

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    The use of digital technologies to study architecture and landscape has begun to represent an innovative aspect of the research when it started to allow the dynamic association (as input and output) of images and alphanumeric data: the different combination of this information through inferences and algorithms and the consequent generation of new data has freed digitisation from a strictly instrumental role making it a new methodological approach in itself. As a matter of fact, recently architectural research has begun to take an interest in the problem ‘from within’, working not only on the application of computer tools but, more consciously, on their configuration. The work carried out by the Sapienza research group is aimed at developing ontologies and inferential models specifically dedicated to the representation of historical buildings and is devoted to the implementation of a national GIS platform for the historical centres, the Risk Map of the Italian Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism. This kind of work involves a series of methodological issues specially oriented to the definition of the role of the history of architecture in itself and its use for the conservation project. These arguments are developed within this essay, mainly focused on: type and quality of information deriving by the new procedures; interpretative components that fuel the new research methods; cost/benefit ratio in the use of ‘analogue’ and ‘digital’ approaches; future prospects of the two different (traditional and digital) investigative strategies. Moreover, both of the fields of digital research developed by the group (ontology and Risk Map) are here summarised. A kutatásban azóta jelent meg innovatív szempontként a digitális technológiák használata az építészet és környezete tanulmányozásában, amióta a képek és alfanumerikus adatok dinamikus társítása (bemeneti és kimeneti formában) elkezdődött: az információk következtetések és algoritmusok révén létrejött különböző kombinációja, valamint az új adatok ezekből következő generálása megszabadította a digitalizálást szigorúan instrumentális szerepétől és önmagában új módszertani megközelítést hozott létre. A közelmúltbeli építészeti kutatások tulajdonképpen „belülről” mutattak érdeklődést a probléma iránt, nemcsak a számítógépes eszközök alkalmazásával, hanem még tudatosabban a konfigurációval is foglalkoztak. A Sapienza egyetemi kutatócsoport munkájának célja kifejezetten történeti épületek bemutatására szolgáló ontológiák és következtetési modellek kifejlesztésére irányul azzal a szándékkal, hogy megvalósuljon a történeti központokra vonatkozó olasz nemzeti térinformatikai platform, az olasz Kulturális Örökség és Turizmus Minisztériuma kockázati térképe. Ez a fajta kutatómunka módszertani problémák sorozatát foglalja magába, amelyek kifejezetten az építészettörténet szerepének meghatározására, valamint helyreállítási projektekben történő felhasználására irányulnak. Érveinket e tanulmányban fejtjük ki, elsősorban a következőkre összpontosítva: az új eljárásokból származó információ típusa és minősége; az új kutatási módszereket fellobbantó értelmező elemek; a költség-haszon arány az „analóg” és a „digitális” megközelítés alkalmazása esetén; a kétféle (hagyományos és digitális) vizsgálati stratégia jövőbeli kilátásai. Ezeken túlmenően összefoglalásra kerül a kutatócsoport által kifejlesztett digitális kutatás mindkét területe (ontológia és kockázati térkép) is

    Overview of current conservation and restoration models

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    This report is a review of published work describing models for conservation data based on the CIDOC-CRM and its extensions. The report is an analysis of the new classes and properties recommended, as well as the mapping decisions adopted for the published models. The report identifies common practices and recommends ways of harmonising the different models. It proposes areas where further modelling work is needed and attempts to organise this work in conceptually coherent groups from a conservation perspective